RMA Information Reporting System  
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Navigation ItemArea Plan Reports
Navigation ItemCounty Commodity Program Reports
Navigation ItemHurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Reports
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Dates
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Prices
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Option Pilot Program
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Option Private 508(h) Program
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Pilot Program
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Private 508(h) Program
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Transitional Yields/Revenues
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Statement
Navigation ItemInsurance Offer Rate Reports
Navigation ItemLivestock Reports
Navigation ItemWhole Farm Revenue Protection
Skip Navigation LinksRMA Information Reporting System > Insurance Offer Reports > Insurance Offer Prices Help Icon
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Select criteria to filter report
Commodity Year
Reinsurance Year
Filing Date
Insurance Plan
Insurance Offer fields
Type/Practice fields
Price fields

Application requires Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer to use the Excel report output.

For large number of records and fields to display, Excel is the preferred report format as Word/Pdf report formats may not work.

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Commodity Year, as used throughout this application, represents Crop Year / Insurance Year
as applicable for the commodity.

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